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mindful mental health at work 

Mental Health Counselling/NLP/PTSD/ Mindfulness & Mental Health at Work/Menopause/ Diversity & Inclusion/Anxiety during Lockdown/Working Remotely/Finance/Parenting/Health Screening


Discovery & Consultation

This first stage involves assessing data relating to all aspects of company including culture, structure, and current health of employees. The organisation's Mental Health policy and company goals will then be agreed with the support of our clinical experts.


Strategy & Statement

The Strategy is a plan of action that sets out how your organisation will create and uphold long-term, positive mental health and wellbeing across the workforce. Through the statement, your organisation can publicly commit to addressing mental health in the workplace


Training & Development

Training the right people within the organisation will be one of the most important parts of a Mental Health Programme. The number and type of training sessions required will vary depending on the size, structure and needs of the organisation.


Launch & Promotion

Creating awareness and engagement of the programme from senior management to junior members involves service introductions and providing cross-organisation promotional material


HR Mental Health Support Line 

24/7 Mental Wellbeing Support for Managers

24/7 Support Service or EAP for Employees

Mindful Wellbeing Framework for Organisational Management


why you need this for your organisation 



Duty of Care

Employers have a legal duty of care for mental wellbeing of employees. Putting a proactive programme in place demonstrates your organisation's commitment.

Employee Retention

There is an expectation from talent for organisations to support mental health, so a programme will give real competitive advantage.

Increased Productivity

Workplaces that support mental health are more likely to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and therefore benefit from associated economic gains.


          wellbeing for women 

                 in the workplace.





​© cmw wellbeing associates 



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